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Semiconductors market outlook 2023 and beyond

Author: Rafał Dados The semiconductor supply chain today faces several major challenges. The semiconductor supply chain today faces several major challenges. The most significant of these, according to 35% of respondents in a recent survey carried by Accenture, are inflation and economic concerns. The prices of semiconductors have surged recently, and this is having a…
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case study c-class industry 4.0

Case study. C-class. Smart savings 4.0.

Author: Szymon Tochowicz Increasing savings and reducing complexity in standard, catalogue components porftolio (so called c-class). A case study. Industry: railway Project goal: process improvement and savings Areas: logistics, procurement, finance, production, R&D Duration: two weeks Number of people in the project: 5 Estimated project results 1 million zlotys of stock value reduction 168 hours…
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How to Prepare Effectively for Business Negotiations. Invlove stakeholders

How to Prepare Effectively for Business Negotiations

Author: Rafał Dados How to Prepare Effectively for Business Negotiations One common mistake negotiators make is failing to adequately prepare for business discussions. This oversight often leads to suboptimal outcomes in negotiations. To attract sales and purchasing directors to invest in Eveneum’s negotiation trainings, we’ve outlined key steps to prepare effectively for business negotiations. Defining…
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Producenci części samochodowych Automotive sector

How automotive sector strive with inflation

Author: Michal Zając On October 14, 2022, Eveneum and Santander Bank Polska co-organized a webinar entitled “How automotive sector strive with inflation?”. The meeting was opened by Rafał Dados – Eveneum’s managing partner by presenting the agenda of the meeting, then Radosław Pelc – an analyst of the automotive and TSL sectors of Santander Bank…
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Negotiating with trade unions is specific. Remember about asking 10 questions before negotiating with unions. The key is to manage conflict of interest.

10 questions before negotiating with trade unions

Author: Michal Zając Negotiating with trade unions. How to prepare yourself to the process? Cooperation between the Employer and Trade Unions is a continuous process, based on appropriate relationship management, agreeing on the principles of cooperation and communication. It cannot be reduced to ad hoc events or just negotiation. When there is a strike, usually…
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Increase prices. How and when to increase price to the customer

5 great moments to increase prices to the client

Author: Rafał Dados Price increases to the customer. When is the best time to negotiate the price increases? Depending on the business cycle in the economy, and on the microscale of our relationship with the client, obtaining the client’s acceptance of a raise may be difficult or easy to achieve. In this article, I will…
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What is the Eveneum Method?

There are many effective solutions out there, but they are usually costly and time-consuming. The Eveneum Method is different. In keeping with the newest trends and the evolving needs of the modern international market, we have crafted a single, simple way of managing the supply chain that stems from our experience gained at numerous international corporations.


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