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E-360 ’- the method for continuous development and monitoring of the implementation of the acquired knowledge

We recently mentioned on our blog that investing in employee training is a decisively profitable move. But to achieve ROI (return on investment), it is necessary to provide opportunities for trained employees for continuous practical use of the acquired knowledge and new techniques.

What are the evaluation goals of the 360 'model?

The objectives of the 360 'feedback serve both the supervisor and the employees themselves. Thanks to this method, managers have the chance to obtain objective information on what are the skills of individual team members and assess their work. On this basis, they can also develop a long-term strategy for further employee development. For employees, this feedback is an opportunity to obtain valuable information on how they perform as well as motivational and engaging impulse, which translates positively into their effectiveness.

However, for the  feedback 360 'to bring expected and assumed results, it must be carefully and thoroughly prepared in advance. Before starting coaching sessions, we must first:

Set goals of the entire process – the assumption of what we want to achieve by giving feedback is the basis for the development of the communication, as well as for determining the assessed areas.

Choose and develop a concept – the undeniable advantage of feedback 360 'is its individual approach to each coachee. Therefore, we cannot determine one universal method of communicating a message.

Create an evaluation questionnaire – so that the feedback and the assessment itself, on the basis of which we provide this information could be objective, we must collect equally objective information on the assessed area. An assessment questionnaire will help. However, it should assume a substantive and unquestionable evaluation.

The next steps are the selection of evaluators, sessions for the coachees, preparation of the evaluation report, transfer of feedback, re-evaluation to verify the effects.

Negotiation E-360 – case study based on the example of negotiation workshops

Let’s narrow down the area in which we use 360 'feedback to negotiation workshops and their effectiveness.

Many years of experience of Eveneum experts in conducting trainings, workshops and coaching sessions proved that the effectiveness of the Negotiation E-360 has a chance to materialize when certain conditions are met.

  • Self-assessment before the workshop
    Participants always have some more or less explicit assessment of their own skills and competences. For objective verification the trainer must first learn how participants assess their level of knowledge and skills. For this purpose, the self-assessment questionnaire is completed before the workshop. It is also an opportunity for the trainer to adjust training content and get ready for the expectations of the group.
  • Feedback from co-participants
    The ability to provide feedback is not only the skill necessary for managers and trainers. Drawing conclusions accurately and effectively presenting them to the other party is also very important in conversations with potential contractors. The evaluated person receives a series of information. He will know how the other people see him and on this basis he can draw his own conclusions.
  • Analysis of recordings and feedback from the trainer
    Finally, the participant of the Eveneum negotiation workshop receives a material consisting of an analysis of his recordings and feedback provided by the trainer. When the trainee is already on neutral ground, he can carefully digest all information received. The recordings are objective material, showing the negotiator’s behavior as it actually was. In turn substantive feedback from the trainer allows to correct own mistakes, work on weaker areas and reinforce  strengths.

E-360 Negotiation Feedback received by participants after the Eveneum negotiation workshops can be the basis for creating a strategy for further development of negotiators at a level corresponding to their capabilities and needs. These are valuable tips that make it possible to increase the efficiency and accelerate ROI from the training.

If you want to know more about the Eveneum negotiation workshops and the Negotiation E-360, please contact us. We are happy to answer your questions and present an example of the course of the training along with feedback.