Cost models
Special actions for turbulent times. Make or buy.
Special actions for turbulent times. Make or buy. Author: Szymon Tochowicz Technology changes, geopolitics, pandemia are reasons to review strategy and look again at what to make or buy “May you live in interesting times” This English proverb arguably is a translation of a Chinese curse. Covid-19, Russian invasion on Ukraine… Procurement job was never…
Read MoreAnalytical, principled negotiations
Analytical, principled negotiations Author: Szymon Tochowicz Power of data in negotiations Negotiations, because there is a conflict of interest, are always connected with a certain level of stress. Especially if negotiators have difficulties with justifying their positions and their reasoning is based on opinions rather than facts. What is better: I need from you 5%…
Read MoreFinancial liquidity in the company – how to maintain it?
In previous posts, we described issues related to determining financial liquidity, its ratios, the effects of loss and ways to regain financial liquidity. In the last entry of the series we will suggest how to maintain financial liquidity in the company. The Return of Hard Power: Is Partnership-Driven Business Coming to an End? Read more…
Read MoreFinancial liquidity in the company – the effects of loss and methods of recovery
In previous posts of the financial liquidity in the company, we wrote about liquidity ratios and methods for determining it. This time we will focus on the effects of losing financial liquidity and look for ways to regain it and restore the company’s financial balance. Why financial liquidity is the base for everything? We have…
Read MoreFinancial liquidity in the company – financial liquidity ratios
In the previous post titled “Financial liquidity in a company – how to determine it?” we emphasized why financial liquidity in an enterprise is important and how it can be assessed. In this article, we will introduce individual financial indicators that not only allow you to assess financial liquidity, but also the overall performance of…
Read MoreFinancial liquidity in a company – how to determine it?
The foundation of the company’s long-term operation is achieving and maintaining its financial liquidity. It means the company’s ability to settle arising financial obligations related to its conduct. How can you determine if your business has liquidity? What to do to achieve and maintain it? What action should be taken when financial liquidity becomes threatened?…
Read MoreIT system vs business negotiations with suppliers
On our blog, we have repeatedly discussed topics related to the use of IT systems in building a purchasing strategy and ongoing supply chain management. However, the IT system can also be used as a tool to help prepare business negotiations with suppliers. And for at least two reasons. The first is the ability to…
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