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How buyers classify suppliers?

O tym jak kupcy grupują dostawców

How do buyers classify suppliers? Even the most experienced vendors are looking for this answer . Of course, there is no universal classification. Each purchasing organization needs to adapt the process to its needs and the supply management philosophy. We, however, decided to face this difficult task and present one of the most universal classifications.…

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The new competences of Buyers

Nowe kompetencje Kupców

To keep pace with market trends, purchasing is evolving with unprecedented dynamics. Companies invest huge resources in activities aimed at increasing the role of purchasing departments. The goal of the investment is to get buyers out of the traditional role of “cost guards” and increase the potential added value they can bring to organization. The…

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Anxiety is an enemy of business negotiations – how to deal with it?

Niepokój to wróg negocjacji biznesowych - jak sobie z nim radzić

Anxiety often accompanies the process of preparation for business negotiations and often adversely affects their progress and results. In order to ease their fears, the negotiators make decisions that may torpedo their efforts – for example they present too low first bids, react too quickly or make violent concessions that lower the achievable result. How…

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Business negotiations – goals versus relationships with suppliers

Negocjacje biznesowe - cele kontra relacje z dostawcami

Many times we wrote about business negotiations – the importance of adequate preparation and training to avoid “traps” sets made by “the opponent”. This time we will focus on determining and achieving the goal. Do you always should ask yourself the highest goals? Is it worth focusing solely on your own interests in the negotiation…

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How to cushion the impact of hard business negotiations on long-term relationships?

In the previous post, we discussed the potential impact of ambitious goals and tough negotiations on business relationship. However, there are situations in which such tactics are necessary. Is it possible to generate SATISFACTION in the process of tough business negotiations? YES! In this case, apart from hard negotiation knowledge, we recommend soft skills. Sorry,…

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How to deal with back door selling?


At this year’s “XI Purchasing Forum”, we discussed the risks associated with selling the back door. The received feedback reinforced us in the belief that this is an interesting topic and that’s why we decided to write a short text about it. Implementation and monitoring of the negotiation strategy Everyone is exposed to backdooring activities.…

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Eveneum on “XI Purchasing Forum” – Backdoor Selling


As previously announced, we were present at the “11th PurchasingForum”, which took place on June 15-18, 2018 in Warsaw. What’s more, Rafał Dados – Managing Partner Eveneum – had the pleasure to moderate a discussion panel on the phenomenon of backdoor selling. The subject was very interested in the Forum guests, and the level of…

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Backdoor selling, means business negotiations without negotiations

Backdoor selling czyli sprzedaż tylnymi drzwiami

Business Negotiation is a complex process – for both the seller and the buyer. It is no wonder that both parties use a variety of techniques aimed at securing their own position. One of the most popular is “back door selling”, which sometimes enters the borderline of business ethics. High-level managers are increasingly aware of…

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The goals of training business negotiations with suppliers

Trening negocjacyjny z dostawcami

On our blog, we have written several times about the methods of building and training negotiation competences. We emphasized the importance of training as well as the following activities aimed at improving acquired skills. Now we will describe the effects resulting from a job well done.

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Negotiation “Sparring Parnter”


In the previous post, we raised the subject of business negotiations. One of these ways to prepare for the process of negotiation training was “Sparring Partner”. In this note, we will try to explain the benefits of this method of preparation.

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