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Preparation to negotiation. 4 common mistakes

Preparation to negotiation. 4 common mistakes.

Author: Rafał Dados Preparation to negotiation. The boss’s perspective. Many managers evaluate the negotiating skills of their team members based on the course of the negotiations themselves, appreciating the dynamics, assertiveness, tactics, and style of negotiation. Often, less successful people are assessed lower, even though they achieve equivalent results, and in the long term, they…
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Make or buy decision process

Special actions for turbulent times. Make or buy.

Author: Szymon Tochowicz Technology changes, geopolitics, pandemia are reasons to review strategy and look again at what to make or buy “May you live in interesting times” This English proverb arguably is a translation of a Chinese curse. Covid-19, Russian invasion on Ukraine… Procurement job was never easy but last years took it to the…
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Sanctions on Russia. War in Ukraine. Ban on steel import. Nickel in stainless steel and EV batteries. Aluminium shortages

Part 2. Impact of war in Ukraine and sanctions on supply chain sustainability.

Author: Rafał Dados How war in Ukraine and sanctions on Russia may impact short and mid term sustainability of global supply chains. Status as on 21st of March 2022. Part 2. We hosted online purchasing community meeting on 18th of March 2022. 60+ experts joined to get insights and to discuss about consequences to global…
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Ukrainian flag. Sanctions on Russia. War in Ukraine

Impact of war in Ukraine and sanctions on supply chain sustainability.

Author: Rafał Dados How war in Ukraine and sanctions on Russia may impact short and mid term sustainability of global supply chains. Status as on 21st of March 2022. Part 1. We hosted online purchasing community meeting on 18th of March 2022. 60+ experts joined to get insights and to discuss about consequences to global…
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strategiczne zarządzanie risk management

Risk management. Knowledge based on experience.

Anticipating risk and preventing it, we learn through experience (ours or others) We can divide risk in diverse ways. We have e.g. political risk, natural disasters, financial risk, technological risk, supplier dependence, legal risk …  Another look at the risk allocation is a split between known and unknown risk. In the case of known risk,…
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Forecasts for the automotive industry. Disruptions in supply chains

Disruptions in supply chains – forecasts for the automotive industry in 2022

Author: Rafał Dados Automotive forecasts. Is the situation in the automotive industry going for the better? On January 14, 2022, Eveneum and Santander Bank Polska co-organized an online seminar “Disruptions in supply chains – forecasts for the automotive industry in 2022”. In the first part of the meeting, Radosław Pelc – Automotive and TSL Analyst…
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What is the Eveneum Method?

There are many effective solutions out there, but they are usually costly and time-consuming. The Eveneum Method is different. In keeping with the newest trends and the evolving needs of the modern international market, we have crafted a single, simple way of managing the supply chain that stems from our experience gained at numerous international corporations.


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