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Business negotiations – an art in itself or a matter of practice?

Achieving desired results in negotiations depends on many factors and requires meeting certain conditions. Undoubtedly, an important aspect is the passion for a job and personal abilities. Characteristics such as openness and resistance to stress are certainly irrelevant. However, do only innate skills give a chance to be successful in negotiation processes? Are there any…
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What is the audit of the company?

The audit of a company should be carried out by an independent auditor. Only then the evaluation and further documentation as well as the new strategy will be prepared in an objective manner. Business audits may have different goals and final results. What is the business audit, what are the types of audits and offered…
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Areas of business consulting – classification

Very often starting a business people are convinced about the reliability of their strategy. Equally often, running a company for many years, people assume that their processes are reliable. Even if they can observe imperfections and complications. However, to be sure that the company strategy is as optimal, it is good to know the opinion…
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Coaching negocjacyjny

E-360 ‘- the method for continuous development and monitoring of the implementation of the acquired knowledge

We recently mentioned on our blog that investing in employee training is a decisively profitable move. But to achieve ROI (return on investment), it is necessary to provide opportunities for trained employees for continuous practical use of the acquired knowledge and new techniques. What are the evaluation goals of the 360 ‘model? The objectives of…
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Supply chain security thanks to blockchain technology

Resilience of the supply chain to threats that may occur along the way of the entire process is an unquestionable basis for every business. Regardless of how complex the company structure is and how extensive the entire process is, proper supply chain management tactics and tools will not only improve the quality of services provided,…
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Zagrożenia związane z e-aukcjami - jak sobie z nimi radzić

Risks associated with e-auctions – how to deal with them?

Purchasing e-auctions, also known as reverse auctions, are an interesting solution that can bring significant savings. It is not surprising, therefore, that they are gaining more and more fans. It is generally believed that e-auctions can improve price effectiveness. They can also allow partial elimination of time-consuming and often complicated business negotiations with suppliers. However,…
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What is the Eveneum Method?

There are many effective solutions out there, but they are usually costly and time-consuming. The Eveneum Method is different. In keeping with the newest trends and the evolving needs of the modern international market, we have crafted a single, simple way of managing the supply chain that stems from our experience gained at numerous international corporations.


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