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Niepokój to wróg negocjacji biznesowych - jak sobie z nim radzić

Anxiety is an enemy of business negotiations – how to deal with it?

Anxiety often accompanies the process of preparation for business negotiations and often adversely affects their progress and results. In order to ease their fears, the negotiators make decisions that may torpedo their efforts – for example they present too low first bids, react too quickly or make violent concessions that lower the achievable result. How…
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Negocjacje biznesowe - cele kontra relacje z dostawcami

Business negotiations – goals versus relationships with suppliers

Many times we wrote about business negotiations – the importance of adequate preparation and training to avoid “traps” sets made by “the opponent”. This time we will focus on determining and achieving the goal. Do you always should ask yourself the highest goals? Is it worth focusing solely on your own interests in the negotiation…
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How to cushion the impact of hard business negotiations on long-term relationships?

In the previous post, we discussed the potential impact of ambitious goals and tough negotiations on business relationship. However, there are situations in which such tactics are necessary. Is it possible to generate SATISFACTION in the process of tough business negotiations? YES! In this case, apart from hard negotiation knowledge, we recommend soft skills. Individual…
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Oszczędności internet rzeczy

Individual work with suppliers in the purchasing strategy

The future of purchasing departments and supplier management will depend on their ability to provide enterprises with measurable value. The ongoing industrial revolution is imposing improvement of efficiency, innovation, higher levels of customer service and better fulfilment of his specific needs. And, as a result,  it should improve competitiveness of the company. In the opinion…
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Digitization of the supplier management area – the most important benefits

Supplier management is an area that traditionally requires the largest participation of people. However, as is the case in other departments of the company, innovative technological solutions allow you to optimize the efficiency and commitment of employees of the purchasing department. Let’s look at the benefits that digitalisation of this area can bring. Increased efficiency…
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How to deal with back door selling?

At this year’s “XI Purchasing Forum“, we discussed the risks associated with selling the back door. The received feedback reinforced us in the belief that this is an interesting topic and that’s why we decided to write a short text about it. Implementation and monitoring of the negotiation strategy Everyone is exposed to backdooring activities.…
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What is the Eveneum Method?

There are many effective solutions out there, but they are usually costly and time-consuming. The Eveneum Method is different. In keeping with the newest trends and the evolving needs of the modern international market, we have crafted a single, simple way of managing the supply chain that stems from our experience gained at numerous international corporations.


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